Dans le domaine de la finance internationale, une bonne maîtrise de l’anglais est essentielle pour communiquer efficacement et discuter des plans et protocoles financiers. Voici une discussion sur l’importance de la finance et une sélection de termes anglais clés pour améliorer vos compétences linguistiques dans ce domaine. 


Why is finance so important? (Pourquoi la finance est-elle si importante?)

For the average person the thought of discussing financial data, forecasts and valuations can seem overwhelming. But by developing your financial skills you can attain financial fluency that can help you excel professionally and make a great impact at your company.

The first thing to understand in achieving your goals of financial literacy is the importance of finance.

There are a number of reasons as to why finance is important in business. Good finance practices can allow for the effective communication of the health of an organisation and it can explain how individual actions impact the success of a business. Finance plays a fundamental role in allowing business owners to effectively plan for future success and sound financial management can allow business owners to allocate resources wisely.


Here is a definition of finance (Voici une définition de la finance)

Finance is a term that covers topics regarding the management, creation, and study of money management and investments. It involves the use of money that has been provided or lent to fund projects.


Finance terms and their definitions (Termes financiers et leurs definitions)

We have already established that finance affects every aspect of a business. It is what keeps a business afloat. Understanding key financial terms can allow you to understand financial implications and effectively communicate these decisions to stakeholders.

Here are some financial terms that you should know.


High Finance (Haute Fiance): Involves very large amounts of money used by governments and large companies.

Fundraising (levée de fond): The seeking of financial support for a charity, cause, or business.

Assets (actifs): Assets are resources owned by your business that can offer future benefits. 

Current Assets (Actifs courants): These can be converted into cash within one year.

Fixed Assets (Actifs immobilisés): These are tangible items that cannot be quickly converted into cash but are used by the company to generate long-term income.

Asset Allocation (Allocation d’actifs): Asset allocation involves distributing your investments across various asset classes. These classes include:

Liabilities (Passif): This something a person or a company owes and it is usually a sum of money

Current Liabilities (Passifs courants): These are a companies short term financial obligations that are due within one year.

Long term Liabilities ( Passif à long terme): This is a companies financial obligation that is due more than one year in the future.

Bonds (Obligations): Bonds are a type of loan you give to a government or corporation. 

Stocks (Stocks): Stocks represent shares of ownership in a company, whether public or private. 

Cash and Cash Equivalents: These are assets held in cash or that can be quickly converted into cash when needed.

Economics ( Économie): The study of the way in which money works and how people allocate scarce resources for production, distribution and consumption. 

Economic Indicators ( Indicateurs économiques): The figures relating to how well a country’s economy, system of money, production, is working.

Inflation (L’inflation): This is the rising of prices of goods and services over a period of time.

Inflation rate (Taux d’inflation): The rate at which prices are rising is the inflation rate.

En conclusion, l’utilisation de cette ressource comme outil peut renforcer votre communication dans un contexte international et, ce faisant, vous ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités de carrière. Consultez notre blog pour d’autres occasions d’apprendre.

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