Cet article, la suite de l’article précédent, propose quelques stratégies pour faciliter la communication pendant un entretien en anglais lorsque celle-ci est une langue étrangère pour le recruteur, le candidat, ou les deux. Il propose des techniques comme l’utilisation d’un langage simple ou la formulation de questions ouvertes, par exemple. Le texte met également en lumière les défis auxquels un recruteur peut être confronté lorsqu’il maîtrise mal l’anglais tels qu’une mauvaise compréhension des réponses ou la difficulté à formuler des questions claires. Finalement, l’article insiste sur la nécessité de construire les équipes RH bilingues pour garantir un processus de recrutement efficace.


As we saw in Part 1 of this article, there are several things a non-native English speaking recruiter can do in advance to prepare the interview and ensure that it is as pleasant and productive as possible. Indeed, once the interview is underway, it should become obvious that the time and energy spent on preparation was well worth it, particularly if the recruiter is sufficiently proficient in English.

Recruiters who are not distracted by language use issues can fully turn their attention to the candidates—candidates who are quite often non-native English speakers themselves. 


In today’s globalized job market, it has become increasingly common for recruiters to interview candidates who are non-native English speakers. This poses challenges for the recruiter, but also the candidate. There are a range of techniques a recruiter can apply during the interview to make sure the process is fair, effective, and one that will enable the candidate to shine.

  1. Supportive Atmosphere :

For non-native speaking candidates, an interview in English can be stressful. Recruiters can create a supportive, relaxed atmosphere by reassuring the candidate that it is fine to take their time and think or ask for clarifications when necessary.

  1. Simple Language :Recruiters should avoid using complex vocabulary, idiomatic expressions or jargon whenever possible.
  2. Open-Ended Questions :Open-ended questions encourage candidates to elaborate. However, this can also be challenging, so it is important to balance these with questions that are more specific.
  3. Extra Time :Non-native speakers may need more time to process questions and formulate responses. Recruiters should give candidates the time they require without rushing or interrupting them.
  4. Rephrasing : When a candidate doesn’t appear to understand a question, it is important to rephrase it. This not only helps the candidate better understand the question, but also shows the recruiter is empathetic and flexible.
  5. Competency, not Fluency : If proficiency in English is required for the job, the recruiter should assess it separately, through a language test. During the interview, it is vital recruiters focus on the candidate’s core competencies and experience.
  6. Consider Culture : Be aware of cultural differences in communication styles. For example, a recruiter shouldn’t assume that silence or indirect responses mean the candidate is unqualified. There are cultures that value humility or are more reserved.

Conducting interviews in English when it is a second language requires preparation and patience. A recruiter needs to be sensitive to the challenges non-native speaking candidates face during the interview process. By following these techniques, recruiters will enable such candidates to effectively demonstrate their talents.


Indeed, the techniques discussed above can be very effective in drawing out the abilities of candidates, even when their English is weak. But what about a recruiter whose English is insufficient ? Without a doubt such a recruiter will be faced with a number of hair-raising challenges. Here are just a few :

  1. The recruiter will have difficulty understanding the candidate’s response at times. This might be due to the candidate’s accent, speed at which he/she speaks, use of sophisticated vocabulary, jargon or idiomatic expressions, or the length and complexity of the candidate’s response. Unfortunately, missing out on key details will affect the accuracy of the recruiter’s assessment of the candidate’s qualifications.
  2. Even if the recruiter has prepared questions in advance, there will always be a need for improvisation. An inability to ask clear questions due to lack of vocabulary or gaps in grammar knowledge, could confuse the candidate and make the question impossible to understand.
  3. When a recruiter is distracted by language use issues during the interview, a number of verbal and non-verbal cues will be missed, causing a variety of problems. It will be more difficult to build rapport with candidates. There will be delays in the flow of the interview. Recruiters will be more likely to misjudge candidates due to cultural or language differences.


When HR is not proficient in English, the interview process is not nearly as effective as it could be. In the short, medium and long-term, this is not good for business. Companies can benefit largely by investing in the bilingual capabilities of their teams by not only providing opportunities for personnel to attend language training programs and cultural workshops, but also by welcoming staff from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.



underway : en cours                           hair-raising : effrayant     

rushing : presser                                 missing out : rater

flexible : souple                         assessment : évaluation                                  

drawing out : faire émerger                 cues : indices


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