Rédiger des emails en anglais peut être un défi pour ceux dont ce n’est pas la langue maternelle. Cela peut s’avérer encore plus complexe lorsqu’il s’agit d’emails professionnels. C’est pourquoi nous vous proposons un guide pour vous aider à rédiger des emails professionnels en anglais, accompagné de quelques exemples pratiques.


Emails are one of the oldest and universally used means of communication on the internet. They’re quick, immediate, and permit different kinds of interactions with various business types regardless of where they are located. Writing formal emails in English correctly requires some skill, and there is often very little room for mistakes.


What is a professional email? (Qu’est-ce qu’un courriel professionnel?)

A professional email is one that is sent in a professional situation, such as between colleagues, managers and employees, students and professors, or business associates. Professional emails frequently convey clear and actionable messages.


Writing emails in English correctly (Rédiger correctement des courriels en anglais)

When writing an email in English, we advise that you use our guide. We advise this simply so that you can avoid making mistakes. Below you will find advice that will help you avoid making serious mistakes that could prevent the email you are sending from achieving its intended goal.


Advice for writing a professional email (Conseils pour la rédaction d’un courriel professionnel)

When your recipient receives your email the first thing they see in their inbox is the subject of your email. It is the first thing a reader sees and if written incorrectly, it could result in the reader not opening it and the email ending up in spam. We would advice that you state exactly what the email is about using only a few words.

In a professional email the best way to address your recipient is “Dear Mr/Mrs?Ms (surname of recipient)”, or you can address them by their title. In situations where you are more familiar with the recipient you can start the email with “Hello” or “Hi”, followed by their name.

Your recipient will thank you for this. Whether it is a question, request, answer or explanation. Try your best to keep it focused on the topic without going off on a tangent. Keep it focused on the topic but make sure not to leave out key information in the process.

One of the worst things you can do is send an email without proofreading it. It is very easy to make grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. This can very easily happen even in your native language so just be careful and go over what you have written to avoid appearing careless and unprofessional..

After writing your email add an appropriate sign-off and your signature. A professional signature should include relevant information the recipient may need to continue correspondence with you. This should include your title, phone number, relevant details about your company (name, address) and a link to the company website.


Examples of professional emails (Exemples de courriels professionnels)

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your application.  

We are pleased to inform you that your application was received and you have been selected for phase two of the interview process.


We will send you correspondence on how to proceed with the next phase. We wish you the best of luck in the next stage.

Kind Regards, 

Roland Pryzbylewski

Head of Recruitment


  1.  Subject: Please forward on your timesheet!

Hello Maria,

Hope you are well

I would like to ask you to forward on your timesheet with the number of hours you have worked this week.

Thank you

Best Wishes,



  1.  Subject: Do you have time for a call this week?

Dear Mr. Benson,

I recently saw your post on LinkedIn about looking to connect with real estate developers in your area. I own and operate ‘Luxury Real Estate Developments LLC’, a real estate development company based in Baltimore, Maryland. I would love to have twenty minutes of your time to discuss my portfolio and possible opportunities for us to collaborate. Are you free for a quick call later this week?

Please let me know if you would like me to share my portfolio. We have an extensive range of completed builds and I would love to discuss with you some of our ongoing projects.

I am free Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 12–5 p.m. EST. Please let me know a time that works for you and we can work something out.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Kind Regards

Stringer Bell

Owner and CEO, Luxury Real Estate Development LLC


En conclusion, l’utilisation de cette ressource comme outil peut renforcer votre rédaction d’e-mails professionnels et vous permettre de vous présenter sous votre meilleur jour. Consultez notre blog pour d’autres possibilités d’apprentissage.


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