En tant qu’agent immobilier travaillant à l’international, il est essentiel d’avoir un bon anglais pour communiquer et discuter avec les clients internationaux. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un guide à l’usage des agents immobiliers qui souhaitent améliorer leur vocabulaire lorsqu’ils assistent leurs clients sur le marché de la location.


A real estate agent that is worth their salt knows that understanding the nuances of the rental market and effectively communicating them with clients is essential to success. Real estate agents are conscious of the words they use and how they present them to clients.

Here are some things that real estate agents should consider when assisting clients in renting properties..


Understanding Client Needs

Before diving into property searches for clients, it is important to first understand what your client is looking for. Gathering a detailed report of information from your clients is a great way to start.

Why not ask them the following questions:

Preferred Location (Lieu préféré): Ask clients about their desired area or neighbourhood.

Property Size (Taille du bien): Determine how many rooms they need and the overall size of the property.

Floor Preference (Préférence pour l’étage): If it is an apartment they are looking for, identify if they have a preference for certain floors (e.g., ground floor for easier access).

Budget (Budget): Clarify their budget range and ensure that it aligns with the current market prices.

This initial information helps in narrowing down the options, making the search more efficient and tailored to their needs which is what every client ultimately wants.


Now that we have narrowed down what your client may potentially be looking for, here is a list of some essential vocabulary that will help you in communicating clearly and effectively with your clients.


Tenant (Locataire): The person who will rent the property.

Landlord (Propriétaire): The owner of the property.

Price Range (Fourchette de prix): The maximum and minimum amount your client is willing to pay.

Criteria (Critères): The specific requirements a client has for a property.

Viewing (Visualisation):The process of visiting a property to assess its suitability.

Roommate/Flatmate: Someone with whom the tenant may share the property.

Lease Agreement (Contrat de bail): The legal contract between the tenant and the landlord.

Deposit (Dépôt): The security amount paid in advance, often covering potential damages or missed rent.

Pitfall (Piège): A common difficulty or trap in the renting process.

Apartment unit (Appartement unite): A single residence within a larger building containing many similar homes.

Furnished (Meublé): Including furniture

Listing (Liste): A home being marketed for sale or rent by a real estate agent.

Application (Application): A formal request to rent a property that consists of essential information such as a renter’s full name, social security number, verifiable rental history and a credit score.

Amenities (Aménagements): An additional and beneficial feature or facility of a rental property. 

Move-in date (Date d’emménagement): The day in which a tenant begins living in a rental property and the tenancy agreement and lease term formally begin.

Occupancy (Occupation): The act of living in a rental property, or the number of people permitted to live in a rental property at a given time. 

Vacancy (Vacance): When a property is unoccupied.


Utilities (Services publics): The services such as gas, electricity, and internet that are provided to the tenant of a rental property. 


En conclusion, les agents immobiliers peuvent utiliser cette ressource comme un outil leur permettant d’aider leurs clients internationaux dans leurs recherches de biens immobiliers. Consultez notre blog pour d’autres possibilités d’apprentissage.

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