Dans le domaine du commerce international, une bonne maîtrise de l’anglais est essentielle pour communiquer efficacement et discuter du marketing et des différentes stratégies de commercialisation qui peuvent être mises en œuvre. Voici nos réflexions sur l’importance du marketing et une sélection de termes anglais clés qui vous aideront à améliorer votre discours sur ce sujet.


Why is marketing so important? (Pourquoi le marketing est-il si important?)

The importance of marketing cannot be understated. Companies need marketing to gain customers and increase their sales. When companies develop marketing strategies they ensure that it is specific to the needs of the product or service of the intended target audience. Marketing experts constantly stress its importance when it comes to informing and engaging consumers, building brand reputation, boosting sales and growing a company.


Here is an English definition of marketing (Voici une définition anglaise du terme marketing)

Marketing refers to the process a company undergoes to promote the buying or selling of its products or services. Marketing at its roots is understanding your target market, creating offers, and designing appealing experiences to encourage customer loyalty.


Marketing terms and their definitions (Termes de marketing et leurs definitions)

There are a many marketing strategies that companies use to better understand their target market and design appealing experiences that encourage customer loyalty. The best strategies normally involve assessing a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and looking for any potential advantages that could take their marketing strategy to the next level. 

Here is a list of terms and definitions that can help improve your discourse when formulating effective marketing strategies.


Target Market (Marché cible): A group of people with shared characteristics who have been identified as the most likely potential customers for a product.

The four Ps (Les quatre Ps): This a marketing mix made up of four key elements, product, price, place, and promotion.

Product (Le produit): The process of deciding what to sell.

Price (Le prix): The process of deciding what prices to charge.

Promotion ( La promotion): The process of deciding how the product will be supported with advertising, special activities, etc

Place (La place): The process of deciding how the product will be distributed and where people will be able to buy it.

Marketer/Marketeer (Spécialiste du marketing): An individual who specialises in the area of marketing.

SWOT Analysis (Analyse SWOT): This is a strategic planning and management technique used to assess a company’s competitive position and to create a strategic plan.

Strengths (Forces): This is what an organisation excels at.

Weaknesses (Faiblesses): This is what prevents an organisation from performing at its optimum level.

Opportunities (Opportunités): This refers to the positive external factors that could give a business a competitive advantage.

Threats (Menaces): These are the factors that have the potential to cause harm to a business.

Sales (Ventes): The activity or process that involves selling a product or service to a consumer.

Consumer (Consommateur): An individual that uses a good or service for their own personal use.


En conclusion, l’utilisation de cette ressource comme outil peut renforcer votre communication dans un contexte international et, ce faisant, vous ouvrir de nouvelles opportunités de carrière. Consultez notre blog pour d’autres occasions d’apprendre.


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